Meet - Ken Meyer
This Month's Spotlighted Resident
Ken has always had plenty of friends. But at age 89, he’s found there’s something great about just hanging with the guys…
“When I moved into Pomperaug Woods, the first thing I joined was the ROMEO Club,” said Ken. “ROMEO means Retired Old Men Eating Out. It’s great! A bunch of guys get together and go out to lunch. We talk a lot about UConn basketball. To be honest, I have had plenty of friends my whole life, but after my wife passed, I realized I didn’t have any guy friends that I could hang out with by myself. Moving to Pomperaug Woods made it easy to make new friends. I’m grateful for that.”
Ken was a lifelong school administrator, working as a principal in middle schools and high schools in Westchester County, New York. His wife was a home economics teacher. After they retired, they moved to Southbury. “We golfed with a couple who lived in Pomperaug Woods, so I was familiar with the community,” said Ken. “We had dinner in the dining room with them a few times, and I was struck by how friendly everyone was. I always remembered that. When I decided to move out of my condo, Pomperaug Woods immediately came to mind. Now that I live here, I’m more convinced than ever that this is the right fit for me. I expected the other residents to be friendly, but when I walk down the hall, every staff member I pass says hello to me. The kids who serve in the dining room are all happy to chat with me. It makes me feel good to live in a place where people make such an effort to be pleasant and helpful.”
Ken would frequently chat with the residents, and he made such a big impression that they suggested he run for Resident Council. Ken just shrugged modestly. “I’m a problem solver,” said Ken. “Working as a school administrator for decades, I know how to talk to people. A successful Resident Council is all about talking to people. We have suggestion boxes all around the community and dining cards on the tables at dinner. If a resident has a new idea or a great suggestion, they can write it on the card, and the Resident Council will talk with the administration to consider it. But as the Resident Council President, I like to hear their ideas and suggestions first-hand. People put a lot of thought into them. The administration at Pomperaug Woods is so open and welcoming, I know I can bring a resident’s suggestion to anyone in the Executive Offices, and they’ll consider it. This is my home now, and I want the best for everyone here. The administration does, too. It’s a very rewarding partnership.”
Ken said there’s no end to the avalanche of compliments that stuff the suggestion box in the dining room. “Carol is our Executive Chef, and boy is she terrific,” said Ken. “Everyone loves the food here. She never lets a holiday pass us by without some special themed dinner or dessert. So even when UConn loses a basketball game, I know that whatever Carol is serving at dinner that night will lift our spirits. She gets 5-stars from all the ROMEO guys!”

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