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Support Our Mission

Since opening our doors in 1988, our mission has been to bring residents a spirited and uplifted lifestyle, gracious living with services and amenities that exceed expectations, and a secure and reassuring life plan with access to high-quality senior care. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, our continued success relies on generous financial support from our residents, their families and friends, the Southbury community, and beyond.

It’s our hope you include Pomperaug Woods when considering your charitable giving. Your contribution will help us continue a multitude of financial aid, educational opportunities and innovative services for the deserving people who live at Pomperaug Woods.


How Your Gift Helps

By contributing to one of the philanthropic funds listed below, you can enrich the lives of our residents in diverse ways:

The Friends and Neighbors Fund

Provides Life Care residents financial assistance if they have outlived their resources through no fault of their own or have faced unforeseen financial losses.

Life-Enrichment and Wellness Fund

Enhances community life and wellness with special entertainment programs, educational programs, and fitness program equipment.

Creative Arts Fund

Supplies programs and equipment that serve the creative arts programs at Pomperaug Woods.

The Founders Memorial Fund

Honors our founding principles and the original board of directors. Contributions to the fund are welcomed on an unrestricted basis. Any income or principal disbursements from the fund must be approved by the board of directors based upon recommendations from the Resident Council or the board’s own initiative.

Capital Campaign Fund

Support the addition and improvement of amenities for residents to use and enjoy.

Please Support Us with a Gift of Your Choice


We accept currency, checks and credit cards. You can make a one-time gift, or if you prefer, you can make monthly gifts through your residency bill. Donation forms are available at the front desk.

Wills and Living Trusts

Residents may consider including a gift to Pomperaug Woods in their will or living trust, called a charitable bequest. This type of gift offers the benefits of simplicity, flexibility, versatility and tax relief.

Entrance Fee Designation

Many residents choose a Return-of-Capital Entrance Fee agreement when they move here. A simple addendum, available in our administration office, may be added to your residency contract, gifting this refund — or a percentage of it — to Pomperaug Woods. This is one of the easiest and most direct estate gifts available.


Individual or collective contributions may be given to Pomperaug Woods or a designated fund as memorials.

Life Insurance and Annuities

Residents may designate Pomperaug Woods as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or an annuity.

For more information about making a tax-deductible donation, contact Vicki Gyba, Executive Director, by emailing [email protected] or calling 203-262-6555, ext. 113.

To donate now, use the button below.

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